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One of the questions I get asked most frequently from prospective clients and industry peers alike is what makes my makeup lessons different. My flippant answer is usually that I love doing them, but I thought it would be good share a little more about my philosophy about teaching, and why I’m so passionate about them.


The starting point for my lessons is that I see the natural beauty in every client, and the whole premise of the lesson is to ensure they leave with know-how so that they can bring out that beauty each and every day after the session. Each of the lessons are conducted on a one to one basis, and are lessons are totally private (the only exception to this is if a client chooses to bring someone along with them). This privacy helps create a special atmosphere of trust, support and means that client has my undivided attention from the time they enter my studio until the time they leave.
I truly believe that every woman is beautiful and with a little help of strategically applied correct colours and textures their natural beauty will be enhanced.  My aim during the lesson is to enable my client to see past any imperfections they may perceive, and start focussing on how to enhance the elements of their face that will showcase their natural beauty. As Elle McPherson said, “It is not about looking younger – it is all about looking the very best you can be”.


For many women the art of make-up application is something of a mystery and I love to show them just how simple it can be with the right knowledge and tools.  For me make-up application is all about balance: I show clients how to apply make-up following the bone structure and what that does to the face, and how to accentuate the right points to put the emphasis in the right places. This approach ensures the make-up is attuned to their face, rather than seeking to apply an “off the shelf” look that will never truly allow them to feel like themselves.

I have 2 teaching styles that my client can choose from:-


Style number 1 is where I use the half face technique.  Using this approach I demonstrate each technique step by step on one half of my clients face, and then guide them to apply the make-up to the other half of their face using the techniques they have just watched first hand. This keeps the focus on learning through doing, and gives my clients the confidence that they will be able to repeat what they have learned once they get home.


Style number 2 is where I clean the client’s existing make-up off half of their face, and then make-up the make up this side, explaining what I’m doing as I work. This gives the client an opportunity to watch and understand the changes I’m recommending without the need to immediately copy it themselves. Once I’ve finished, the client can then look in the mirror and study the look I’m proposing alongside their current make-up. This really emphasises the transformative impact that some simple changes to their everyday routine can bring to a make-up style that in many cases they have used for years (and is frequently a lovely moment of revelation to witness, with one client even calling it “experiencing the magic”! Once the client has seen the half face result I apply make-up to the other half of the face explaining: what I did and why I have chosen those specific products, textures and colours.


In both approaches, the step by step process to achieve the look is recorded in a face chart that will be given to the client.  The second approach tends to work particularly well as a pampering session and I often do it this way if the lesson has been bought for a client as a birthday gift etc.
During the lesson I will identify 3 main things that the client can take and use immediately the next day using their existing make-up kit, The test I always apply is that in the morning we all have around 10-15 minutes, and to be practical any tips or tricks need to capable of being applied in this time to truly make a difference. Often, this is as simple as a change of emphasis – you will see a big difference in the overall finish if you dedicate your morning make-up routine to making your beautiful eyes sparkle rather than trying to cover dark circles under them. As well as ensuring clients can make best value from the products they already own, I also like to ensure that they leave with a list of the best new products for them to ensure any money they spend on make-up in the future will be a shrewd investment.


The bottom line of my lessons is that my aim is always to help women to discover their own unique beauty. Perhaps I am biased but I genuinely believe that the knowledge you receive at the lesson is an investment that will last you a lifetime and all for the cost of a good massage in Mayfair!
…and yes, it is really true that I do love teaching make-up to the point that on most days I feel better at the end of the day than at the beginning. :)!!!!

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